About Us

Who We Are

YAM comprises young adults from 19 onwards, either working or studying.

What We Do

YAM meets on Saturdays where young adults learn how to live lives in a way that is pleasing to God through workshops, book studies and shared experiences. Based on Biblical principles, we address the concerns members may face, covering topics that pertain to church-life, such as discipleship, evangelism and service, as well as areas related to secular living, like lifestyle and career choices.

YAM also provides its members a platform to act on what they have learnt as members will be given opportunities to serve the community and take part in evangelistic outreach programs.

Close fellowship among members are fostered through informal gatherings and road trips as well.

Why We Do It

Through these activities, YAM seeks to:
Foster unity among the young adults in Bethesda Depot Walk, encouraging each other in our walk and service for God
Reach out to friends, family and the larger community who may not be saved
Bless the community in showing practical Christian love.